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Today’s Julian Date 2024: Julian Calendar Converter

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Julian calendar 2024 uses a system of a continuous count of days beginning from January 4713 BC. Julius Caesar introduced it and became widely popular in European settlements. According to the Julian day calendar, every year consists of 365.25 days and 12 months, where respective months had a total of 30 or 31 days. The only exception was February which had 28 days generally.

In addition, every fourth year was considered a leap year, with February having 29 days in total, and date 23 was repeated to compensate for an extra day.

However, the Julian calendar’s dependence on astronomical occurrences was a significant issue. When events like winter solstice and vernal equinox occurred in 1752, September was reduced to only 19 days in North America, skipping days between the 2nd and 14th of September. This became a significant issue disrupting the calculation of time. Nonetheless, Julian Day Calendar is still used in fields such as the military, astronomy, and food industries as its accuracy is just 2 seconds less than a Gregorian calendar.


Today's date is 09-01-2025 Today's Julian Date is 2460684.
Julian Date Converter


Universal Time

Calendar date to Julian date
Julian date to Calendar date


Counting Julian’s Date is easy. You only need to know the basics of calculating dates as per the Julian Calendar. As a thumb rule, the days are calculated from noon to noon, i.e., noon today to noon tomorrow counts as one day. Additionally, 6 PM is considered a quarter of the day, midnight is a half day, 6 AM is three-quarters, and noon finally becomes one full day. However, you must use the following decimal quantities while calculating Julian Day:

  • 6 PM– 0.25
  • 12 midnight– 0.50
  • 6 AM– 0.75
  • 12 noon– 1

For calculating the number of days, take the help of a modern calendar and count days since the beginning of the cycle from 4713 BC.


Here’s an example to help you understand the calculation better:

Suppose you want to convert a date in 2023 into a Julian date.

  • Step 1 – You must count the total number of years between 4713 BC and 2023.

Here’s how:

4713 BC to 0 CE

0 CE to 2023

Note: 0 CE is counted as one year.

Therefore, the total number of years will be 6737 years.

  • Step 2 – Calculate the number of leap years in these 6737 years.

Note: Before 1582, every fourth year was considered a leap year; however, the system has changed. Now, only those years are referred to as leap years, which are divisible by 4 or 400.

For example, 1600 is a leap year, but 1700 is a non-leap year.

  • Step 3 – multiply the number of leap years by 366 and the non-leap year by 365.
  • Step 4 – Add the two results and subtract ten from them.
  • Step 5 – Count the days from 1st January till the date you are converting into Julian date.

Remember you’ll have to add an extra date for leap years as there are 29 days in February in leap years. Let’s say the date you are calculating is 15th June. So the total number of days between 1st January and 15th February is 166. 

Now, count the time since noon that day and convert it into its decimal approximation. For example, the time of calculation is 4:25:15 PM. Count the number of seconds that passed from noon till this time. It will be 20,415 seconds.

If the time were 4:25:15 AM, you would have to add additional seconds that have passed since noon of the previous day, plus midnight.

Divide 20,415 from the total number of seconds a day to get the fraction value divided by 86,400.

Finally, add it to the day, and you’ll have a fully converted Julian Date.

So 15th June 2023, in Julian Date will be 23166.


Food manufacturers mostly use the Julian calendar to identify the date manufacturing date of a product. To read Julian date printable calendar, follow the below method:

1.      Suppose the date on the calendar is 23165.

2.      The first two digits, 23, represent the year, whereas the three digits after that indicate the day of the year.

3.      For example, 23165 represents the 165th day of the 2023 year, i.e., 14th June 2023.


  • Julian Calendar was introduced in 46 BC, whereas Gregorian came into use after 1528 and is currently in use too.
  • The average year in a Julian calendar has 365.25 days, whereas the Gregorian calendar has 365.2425 days.
  • In the Julian calendar, every fourth year was considered a leap year; however, in the Gregorian calendar, only those years whose digits are divisible by 4 or 400 are known are leap years.

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